
English: Frank Myles dresses as a fake police officer looking for something to gain. He is caught by a group of criminals who believe he is trying to cheat him. Frank is stripped of his shirt and his arms are held while he stands against a pillar while he is punched deeply in his vulnerable stomach repeatedly. Although he tries to convince the men that he does not have anything, they continue to intensely punch into his belly until he submits.

Español: Frank Myles se viste como un falso oficial de policía buscando algo que ganar. Es atrapado por un grupo de delincuentes que creen que intenta engañarlo. A Frank le quitan la camisa y le sujetan los brazos mientras se para contra un pilar mientras le golpean profundamente en su vulnerable estómago repetidamente. Aunque intenta convencer a los hombres de que no tiene nada, estos continúan golpeándole intensamente el vientre hasta que se somete.

Fake Police Officer Caught ﹠ Gut Punched

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Fake Police Officer Caught ﹠ Gut Punched

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