
DANNY vs THE BOMBER: volume two

#jobber #out cold #pro wrestling #squash #wrestling
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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 47:08

The finale to this amazing private hotel battle has arrived! Danny the Jobber faces off against the Bomber in multiple scenarios, including a bonus piledriver KO clip!

Match # 1 is a complete squash for Danny, with the Bomber demolishing his pink-trunks-clad body with body blows, leg drops, facesits, pins, power moves, neckscissors, sleepers, multiple knockout finishers, submissions, and more! A final sleeper slowly puts Danny out, his trunks tented with his throbbing cock as he says night night! (run time 21 min)

Match # 2 is a NARRATED battle, performed so the two wrestlers could grab some badass screenshots...though it ends up being an interesting match in its own right! Danny talks the less experienced Bomber through the back and forth match, the two masked jobbers exchanging submissions and KOs (along with some hot af facesits), until Danny ends it all with a brutal TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER that breaks some hotel glass (no, seriously) before a final pin!

A final bonus piledriver segment tops this 47 min spectacular OFF, as we fade out on two amazing and passionate jobbers!

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Published on 2022-11-03


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DANNY vs THE BOMBER: volume two

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