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Ultimate Domination faces off against a new opponent - Swiss Fighter - in this pro wrestling match.
Both of these fighters are the epitome of an Alpha Muscle Daddy. Bald heads, furry chests, rippling muscle, and raging testosterone define these wrestlers as they lock up.
The match begins with one man taking control with brutal, crushing forearms that send his opponent crashing to the mat. The aggressive action goes back and forth, but one wrestler ultimately dominates his opponent resulting in a complete DADDY DESTRUCTION.
You’ll love this match is you’re a fan of Daddies, furry muscle, alpha fights, domination, sweaty aggression, camel clutches, sleepers, cocky flexing, headscissors, multiple KO submissions.
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2023-05-01 02:58WOW! This is so damn HOT!
Especially the last minutes with the repeated choke outs.
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2024-12-20 07:33