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Jocks-n-Cocks: Match w/ Ethan Axel Andrews (pt.2 - πŸ’¦ Ending)

#Crotch2Face #Chokes #Face Fuck #Domination #Cum Shot
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Erotic NHB match (pt.2 - πŸ’¦ Ending) w/ Ethan Axel Andrews

If you wanna see more, check out the 1st part of this hot and steamy match here!

We gotta agree, Ethan "Axel" Andrews... kinda looks hot as a regretful jobber, right? As it was laid out in part 1, the stakes of the submission match was "winner dominates loser". Plain and simple. So it was done.

Watch as I dominate and destroy Ethan from jockstraps to nude. As he shapeshifts into my new little wrestling toy. As he's stripped and turned into a cum rag by the end of the match. Scissors, spanking, gutpunches, chokes, and racks are only some of the things done to Ethan during this match.

Make sure you check out this extremely sweaty and steamy match. And don’t forget to leave a comment letting me know your favorite part(s). πŸ˜‰

Camera Setup: 2 Stationary Cameras

Created by

Ethan Axel Andrews

More like this

Published on 2022-10-14



2024-07-03 04:19

and axel had so manu times your ass on hios face oin real headscissors sub hold woof


2024-07-03 04:16

spladdle and full humiation on heel axel! a dream!


2023-05-22 02:38

I bought both videos and I have no regrets. I’ve been a fan of Axle’s since his early days at UCW. He did a lot of jobbing then but nothing sexual. I love the heel he has become which makes what did to him
even hotter. Especially the humiliation at the end! Any chance of a rematch so you can do it again with a little better camera work?


2023-01-08 12:47

Match was nice to watch but i think you not as strong as it looks like and axel could do it better.

You have to Train a lot boy


2023-01-05 10:25

I think it's sad that you get the most views on such a slow, pathetic match. Was Ethan drugged? I see you got some jiu jitsu skill and seem to be a really great, good natured guy, but any real jiu jitsu guy wants a competitive match, not some sad, fetishized jobber fantasy. The hottest match is between two equals with a hard fight for the win. That is sexy as hell.


2023-07-23 15:55

(In reply to this)

Ethan does seem drugged here, which is unfortunate.

But if he had put up more of a convincing fight, this would have been one of the sexiest wrestling videos ever!

I love squash matches, and seeing a "heel" like Ethan dominated, manhandled, and humiliated like this is pretty hot. This video was super hot as is. But if Ethan had not been on drugs, and had actually put up more of a fight, it would have been even hotter to see him dominated and humiliated and face-raped.

So I am hoping we get a rematch with a more-alert Ethan, and then we STILL seem him completely beaten up and turned into a pathetic little jobber boy bitch, forced to suck the superior man.

More please!


2023-01-14 17:33

(In reply to this)

If you don't like it, then don't watch it...quite simple. I thought it was great!


2023-01-15 05:29

(In reply to this)

I had already purchased it, genuis.


2023-01-15 18:51

(In reply to this)

Really classy responseπŸ™„


2023-12-09 22:45

(In reply to this)

No mochaklk, actually, your initial post was the one that was not classy. And, it was not smart either, since OBVIOUSLY he had already purchased it.


2023-01-16 03:49

(In reply to this)

Simply a statement of fact.


2023-01-05 12:16

(In reply to this)

I’m sorry you didn’t like the match. Erotic domination matches aren’t for everyone. But that is what this is.

The 1st part of this match is where most of the actual grappling takes place. That determined the stakes and outcome you see here in Part 2.

One last thing, if you think you could do any better on the mats against me, you are more than welcome to try :)


2023-07-22 03:54

(In reply to this)

I loved this match. Your absolute destruction of axel was incredible. More like this!


2023-01-15 05:34

(In reply to this)

You seem like a nice kid, I just stumbled into the wrong web site. while I had covid and couldn't train at my school in NYC. Good luck.


2022-11-30 23:06

Wow now that was one hell of a second part, he got KO at one point, the complete destruction and then used was perfection

Matt Larsen

2022-10-22 17:28

Super hot, made me wanna jump in the ring with you two


2022-10-21 20:32

Fantastic conclusion. My favourite part was probably when you had Ethan in a spladle, putting his bare asshole on display, you in total control.


2022-10-18 00:30

crazy hot - not sure how you can top this, denzel, unless it's following on from a more even fight. but this punishment round is even hotter than the first part, with more punching, facesitting, bulge smothering and ballbusting. he really fights back too, but no wonder axel looks exhausted. great bodies, love the jocks, and your face as you work him over. just sensational!


2022-10-16 05:02

This was a great match and I must say that it was way better that I have sean any others on here. You both were great although it looks lke Axel was either tired from wrestling 5 or 6 other matches before you guys wrestled or you are that good azknockout and you look that good also. Very erotic amd or very very sexaul. You both did due a good job but I must admit that is one of the first matches I have sean with axel not taking control and keeping it but you are very good at what you do. Thanks for such great match and keep up the good work, Bill from Vermont, and this reflexes but part 1 and the last one of Part 2.


2022-10-14 23:05

Super hot match!

Swamped (deleted member)

2022-10-14 19:05

That was massively hot, especially how you finished him off!

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Jocks-n-Cocks: Match w/ Ethan Axel Andrews (pt.2 - πŸ’¦ Ending)

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