
Beast vs Kenny Blaze - Round 1

#heel vs heel #big vs small #masks #piledriver #back and forth
planted pinned

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PremiumFullHDLength: 28:29

The Beast's fans do love to watch him squash helpless jobbers, but Kenny Blaze is pro trained and no jobber. This guy is definitely a member of the heel category and brings a heel attitude to the ring for their first video match up of the series.

Kenny is smaller than Beast but solid, experienced, and strong as hell. Beast is big, beefy, and uses his weight and power to take and keep control. This is a nice, long BACK AND FORTH pro match showing off both mens' skills in the ring as they try to take each other down. Nobody knows how this match is going to end.

Watch as Beast lifts Kenny COMPLETELY VERTICAL in a power slam that's almost to brutal to watch, then watch Kenny lift the bigger Beast with easy and handle him like a big furry stuffed animal. There are power moves and drops, chokes, pin attempts, submissions and sleepers all in an attempt to take out the other man and avoid the humiliation of a loss. Trash talk flies back and forth - it's anybody's game.

In the end, one pro is flat on his back while the other grabs the camera and shoves it into his face during a cocky pin after a hot power move finisher. Almost 30 MINUTES OF ACTION and a shitload of fun.

*We had trouble finding a good camera angle on this one so a few seconds of action slip off the bottom of the screen, but trust me when I say you'll see everything you need to. I took off a couple of bucks for the camera work.

**See if you can hear a few seconds of sniffling towards the end of the match. One of the studs gets bopped on the nose and suffers a bloody nose before the vid is over. See if you can figure out when it happened, but enjoy the fact that none of our matches are scripted. What happens just happens and we roll with it. There is no blood in the vid and both wrestlers walked away just fine, so no worries. More action to come between these two beefcakes!


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planted pinned
Kenny Blaze

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Published on 2024-08-20


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Beast vs Kenny Blaze - Round 1

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