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#070 Bearly Bro's Vs Red Redemption ﹠ Matt Fletcher

#Heavyweight #British #Wrestling #Beefy

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 22:31

After being in hibernation for the winter, the Bearly Bro's are back here at UKWH! Out to stretch their hairy legs with some tag team action. Across the ring from the Bearly's stand Matt Fletcher and Red Redemption.

Always up to mock an opponent the Bearly's get straight to the topic of Red' hair and Matts tan, stating that a can of Ronseal would've done a better job.

It doesn't take long for the action to start. Red squares off against Bo, the size difference here is obvious. How has Red found himself in a heavyweight tag team match? That doesn't matter to Bo though, who easily puts his size advantage to good use. Left with little choice Red tags out to Matt, who then goes for a test of strength against fan favourite Grizzly Jim.

It's been a while since we've had a tag team match here at UKWH and this will surely blow the cobwebs away, it definitely blew the UKWH banner down in the ring!

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Published on 2022-05-08

1 Comment


2022-06-04 10:07

Could Bo maybe try the repeated facewash move in the corner of the ring? It's my favorite!

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#070 Bearly Bro's Vs Red Redemption ﹠ Matt Fletcher

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