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3. Leave a coment with the storry and the boys you wish for youre movie !!!

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Published on 2022-03-22


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2022-03-30 08:38

I'd love to see a male catfight, either Danny vs another muscled guy or two other guys with similar stats ðŸĪŠ


2022-03-30 01:54

Denny is a coach who teachs his lessons in a mat at his home. He had been coaching two not-skilled boys for some weeks, but the two boys have never met each other, since they trained in different days. Denny has prepared a match between them; it will be their first match.

The day has come, and one of the boys (Boy 1) comes to Denny's home. He welcomes him and they went to a room, where Denny prepares the boy for the match. Denny says him that the other boy (Boy 2) has come yet, and he is waiting. Denny gives the boy (who is very nervous) one speedo, one singlet and a t-shirt and shorts, that have to wear in the match. Denny often makes positive comments, encouraging the boy to fight the best he could do, giving friendly shakes... He helps the boy to dress, and they do some warm-up exercises.

After that, Denny blinfolds the boy and drives him into the mat. Later, Denny drives Boy 2, also blinfolded, and face both boys in the match. They are in t-shirts and shorts, also Denny. Denny orders the boys take off their blidfolds. It's the first time they see their opponent; they feel so insecure. Denny explain the rules: it's a submission match, there are three rounds, each round is won by the first who make his opponent tap, after each round both lose a clothe. Denny will give a punishment for the loser. The two boys shake their hands, and the match starts.

Round 1 starts. After two minutes, Boy 1 wins. Denny congrats him. The boys strip their shirts and shorts; now they wear a singlet.

Round 2 starts. Boys shake hands. Boy 1 continues being insecure, but Boy 2 is more excited and encouraged. After two minutes, Boy 2 wins. Denny reproves Boy 1 friendly, he has to do their best to win. Boys strip singlet and now wear speedos.

Round 3 starts. They shake hands. Boy 2 dominate the most part of the match. After two minutes, Boy 1 taps.

Two boys stand up, Denny takes their hands and raises Boy 2's hand. Denny says him to stay in another room, and Boy 2 leaves. Then, Denny turns to Boy 1, say him, while puts a hand on his shoulder and watch him deeply: "You are the fucking loser, you have to pay your prize, you know?". Boy 1 agree. Denny strips and now wear speedo. He start to punish the boy: headscissors, head to the bulge, facesitting, schoolboy pin, camel clutch... With trash talking ("you're my bitch", "fucking loser"...). The final punishment is spladle with ballbusting (grabbing the bulge). After that, Boy 1 is very humiliated, he cries. Denny orders him to stands in four, while says him: "Wait for me, bitch, now you will be completely mine", while shake his ass.



2022-03-31 13:32

(In reply to this)

Songs good, but I need a lot of time to make this one, so will come, but not this weeck 😉


2022-03-31 17:16

(In reply to this)

Thank you, Denny!! You are fantastic! :)


2022-03-29 03:33

I would like to see gut punches with front trunk pulls if possible!


2022-03-29 09:19

(In reply to this)

I will do it


2022-03-30 00:01

(In reply to this)

Awesome man! Thanks!


2022-03-28 13:47

i want seeing denny sitting on the couch bouncing his muscle pecs. Then he asks a small guy to worship his pecs. the little boy worships denny's pecs gently but denny ask for deep massage to his giant pecs, so the little boy squeezes hardly denny's pecs and denny enjoy and ask for harder and harder squeeze of his muscle pecs. Then denny ask the little boy to punch his muscle pecs as hard as he can, so the small guy obey to denny's order and tries to punch denny's pecs but denny is always asking for harder punches until his great muscle chest gets red and the small guy gets tired and has his fist sore from punching the strong denny's stone pecs so he decides to give up and denny bounces again his muscle pecs getting red from hard punches and smiles proudly of his legendary strengh!!!!


2022-04-04 00:24

(In reply to this)

This is great! Honestly seeing denny get gut punched, but just keep asking for more was so hot. Seeing him do the same but with pecs would be even better! Though need to start the massage with unflexed pecs, or maybe some pec dancing. Then flexing them and showing how tough they are for the punching / hard massage


2022-03-28 13:50

(In reply to this)

Dang, the deadline was yesterday 😓


2022-03-24 19:39

Hi Denny. You're a real muscle God and Master!!! I've seen a lot of your videos with Skybo and Hellbo, they were great!
I followed your OF last year. You never cease to amaze me!
I've recommended your WF chanel and new Instagram accout (nice pictures there), sure that other people will appreciate your videos

I have a little scenario, maybe you'll be interested;)
Bogdan and Leonardo call the master to fix the laptop. Master Danny easily copes with this, checks it efficiency and finds videos with wrestling and domination. Then the man decides to show the young guys how to dominate.


2022-03-24 22:01

(In reply to this)

Hello, thanks, I will take care of this Ideea olso


2022-04-15 15:59

(In reply to this)

How're you doing, Man?


2022-03-24 19:13

What about armwrestling with a young, strong opponent or a small armwrestling tournament? Would be nice!

Mario Halspacker

2022-03-24 08:58

Denny can you please make a remake of strugle for equality, where Dennis gives you sleeping pils, chokes you, sleepers you, slap your face and then when the pills lose its effect you get your revenge and order him to touch your muscles. 😊💊


2022-03-24 10:37

(In reply to this)

Yes, I will do that to

Vlad gold

2022-03-22 21:13
      • Round 3 - Wrestling (domination wrestling) ***
After the rest, the guys take off their gloves and shorts. Both are in trunks. The situation is dangerous – the outcome of the round will decide the fate of one of them. The guys shake hands with each other and grapple in a wrestling grip. At first it's not clear who exactly will win, but Danny Masterfully takes over.
The man starts dominating the guy, leaving him no chance. He sits on his chest, squeezes his body in scissors, twists Marius into a split (some more ways to dominate???).
In the end, he squeezes the guy in the neck scissors. Marius's face is pressed against Danny's groin, the young man's hands are pounding on his torso, muscles/biceps, he tries to unclench legs. Danny shows his biceps, and the guy loses consciousness. Danny lets go of the knocked-out young man and sits on his chest. He counts to three, shows his muscles. He gets to his feet, puts his foot on the guy's chest, neck and face.
He says: "You're my slave, boy!" (or any cool phrase)
      • End ***
Guys - Denny and Marius.
Outfit - 1) Shorts+MMA gloves, 2) Shorts+boxing gloves, 3) trunks.
Please, can you tell me - how can I share this post in 3 fighting grups and give you awey infos? (which grups do you mean? I'm ready to do it Man!!!)
I am your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and WatchFighters follower:)


2022-03-23 20:46

(In reply to this)

Good, I will make it and post hiere, if you want olso dowloand link you will ask me in privat , till sunday , will be readdy


2022-03-23 18:12

(In reply to this)

Well, you have to share one of my public video in diferent grups + my watchfighter link !! Good luck

Vlad gold

2022-03-29 14:28

(In reply to this)

Hi Denny, i haven't asked you about the way to prove the implementation of the first rule

Vlad gold

2022-03-23 20:38

(In reply to this)

Hi Denny! I've done 3 rules: my two-part script is in the comments under your video, I shared the link and the available videos in 3 social networks and I've subscribed to all your channels ;)


2022-03-23 01:19

(In reply to this)

Hi danny like your fighting movies
You are the greater wrestler here and also the hottest one


2022-03-23 18:13

(In reply to this)

Thanks !! ✅ðŸĪ—

Vlad gold

2022-03-22 21:12

Marius is a student who rents a room from Danny. The young man owed rent for 3 months, but he can't repay the debt yet.

      • Friday night. After the gym and relaxing with friends, Danny returns home. ***
Danny demands a refund. Then Marius takes a desperate step and offers him an option on how to work off the debt. The guy offers a fight of three rounds, one for each month. Although Danny is bigger, Marius is confident in his abilities, he is a good fighter and is able to stand up for himself. And during the time spent with Danny, he got to know the man well enough.
It is necessary to win 2 out of 3 times. If Marius wins, Denny will forgive the entire debt and further accommodation will be free. If Danny wins, Marius will become Danny's slave.
Why does Danny agree? – He is a gambling man, he thinks that Marius is a nice guy, he will not be hindered by a slave who will do all the housework and anything else.
      • Round 1 - MMA***
Danny and Marius are facing each other in a room (an empty living room with a lot of space???). Both are wearing shorts, MMA gloves on their hands. They hit their fists and the fight begins. In this round, Marius has the upper hand, the guy moves quickly, delivers strong and accurate punches and kicks. Danny doesn't give up either, attacks back. But Marius has the advantage in speed.
Marius punches him in the face, Danny falls to the floor. Marius applies pain to his leg and Danny gives up. Marius won.
      • Round 2 - Boxing***
After a short break, the guys change gloves. Danny is not discouraged there are 2 more rounds ahead. The guys knock with their gloves again and the fight begins. Marius is fast. Danny has stronger punches and at first he acts defensively, blocking the opponent's attacks.
Marius begins to run out of breath and becomes slower. Danny starts a counterattack – strong blows are showered on the body of the young man. Marius is in the cornered of room, Danny punches the guy's stomach and hits an uppercut in the face. The man moves to the side (back), Marius falls to his knees, then to his stomach, his hands along his body. The guy is knocked out. Danny won.


2022-03-23 18:15

(In reply to this)

Songs good , I cann make it , but ofcorse you have to complet my request first ! 😉✅


2022-03-22 15:19

Sleeper hold video!! How long can resist


2022-03-22 16:56

(In reply to this)

Well, I cann do that, I m not sure if in watch fighters alow me to post this, if yes , please someboddy tell me hiere in a coment!

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