
4 guy workover

#chest sitting #Pinning #Trample #Dominate #Squash

Video details

PremiumFullHDLength: 16:16

Up to 4 guys using me as furniture with standing on me, walking over me,,sitting and pinning. The 1st 11 minutes are 4 guys using their weight in various ways to crush me.
The guy in green is 220lbs
The guy in red and white is 200lbs
The guy in blue 180 lbs
Shiny red singlet is 160lbs
For a combined weight of
760 lbs....
The last 5/6 minutes of the video, I target one of the guys and dominate him a little.
We do dog piles, chest sitting, a triple body scissors, posing, flexing and lots of standing to crush the opponent.
This video is just a fun workover and testing our abilities on how much we can take. Tests of strength and endurance with weight and pressure.

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Published on 2024-07-14

1 Comment


2024-07-17 04:56

This is a hot play! I wish I were among them to sit and trample you :)
Your domination to the other guy in last 5 mins is also hot.

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4 guy workover

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