Bruno (native warrior) gutpunches Sebastian (cowboy) - FOR STREAMING
#abs #sixpack #torture #interrogation #muscleVideo details
- No slow motion
- No death no blood
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What I really like about Sebastian is that sometimes he reacts to a gut punch by acting as if the punch knocked the wind out of him and even doubles over sometimes, like that last punch of the preview of the latest Sebastian video. I don't remember the title -- it might have "unflexed" in it. And in "native warrior." More of this please. Plus some solar plexus punches!
2022-10-18 22:50Nice video, long hair suit well to Bruno! Whatever he wears it's gonna suit him anyways ;-)
A role reversal would be nice too.
Shedseven01 (deleted member)
2022-10-21 19:57Agreed. Plus Sebastian's nipples should be worshipped in the next video too! They both look so cute in these costumes 💕
2022-10-15 17:43Wow, this is about the hottest thing I've seen on your channel yet. Thanks!
2022-10-15 17:47Would you like to see them twisted, the native hunter being tortured by the cowboy?
2022-10-16 18:02That could be interesting. It would be hot if it were a "turn the tables" kind of thing, where the cowboy "pays back" the native hunter by giving him the same punishment he just received, as opposed to Bruno's saying something like "I want you to punch me now." Also it would be really hot if the punchee's arms were high above his head while he's getting worked over.
2022-10-15 17:08Love this but would love it more if there were knives, swords, bayonets to navel all fake and NO blood. Also would like gladiators, vikings, pirates, stone age men in mortal combat with swords, knives, spears, tridents all to navel and all FAKE, no blood, no real violence
2022-10-15 19:03If you have very specific ideas you can open and fund a custom request here on the website. We mostly focus on gutpunching, but if you want, and if you support it financially, we can make you custom films.
2022-10-23 22:19I'm sorry to hear that you are not making custom videos any longer, but I understand. I am going to tell you what I would like in a video, and maybe you will make it anyway. I think it would appeal to a lot of guys who view this channel.
It's a boxing match, in a ring. The two guys are shirtless, of course, and if they were in jeans that would be hot, but it's not that important to me. They're fighting evenly matched, but at some point one of the guys nails the other one in the stomach unexpectedly. The wind is knocked out of the guy and he doubles over. This gives the other guy an idea. While the guy who was punched is still recovering, the other guy pushes him back against the ropes, lifts his arms up, and tangles them in the top rope at 90 degree angles to his body. (Alternative: He puts the guy's arms behind the rope, and maybe the guy slides down until the ropes under his armpits stop him and his torso is arched forward like a hood ornament. Or, he backs the guy up against the turnbuckle and throws his arms over the ropes behind him with the same effect -- the guy slides down until his gut is thrust forward.) Of course you can guess (or fantasize about) what happens next.
Two other points: I'd like it to start out as a bare-knuckle fight, OR it starts out with gloves, and then when the puncher has worked over the other guy for a while, he takes the gloves off and works the other guy's belly with his bare fists. Also, I would love it if these two guys were Bruno (puncher) and Sebastian (punchee). I like the way Bruno punches in this Native Warrior video and I like the way Sebastian receives the punches. (In the present video, the first punch after "I don't know where they are -- maybe they are dead" is really hot.)
Thanks for reading,
Shedseven01 (deleted member)
2022-10-23 23:56I definitely would love to see this! Bruno and Sebastian are my favourite two and this sounds really hot! Please make this video!!
2022-10-16 01:07I have tired this but either it didn't go through was ignored. I also opened a custom request on my dashboard. Or maybe I didn't do it right?
2022-10-16 07:31
Here you can make custom request.
2022-10-20 19:06Hi, I tried that link and got a message saying "This channel isn't accepting custom requests."
I don't know if I want a custom video. It depends on what it would cost. But I do have an idea for a video that I think is hot and I would pay for it if I could. I think it would appeal to other viewers of your channel, not just to me. Is there a place on this site where I could communicate with you privately?
2022-10-20 19:21Thank you but unfortunately we got too much custom request. So we turned off that option.
2022-10-16 18:23This might be good for at least five videos or more?
1-Bruno Sebastian Xavier
Bruno and Xavier come walking. One says, "The world has been almost destroyed thanks to war, and now the scientists have made clones to re make world."
Xavier says, "Yeah but they are defective. They only want to kill."
Bruno says, "Speaking of that, I want to get my money from you to make clones of me. WHere is it?"
Xavier shrugs, "The money was mine, you told me to keep it, you didn't need it."
"No I didn't," Bruno says, "Where is it?"
He takes out a knife and swipes at Xavier. Xavier takes out a knife and they fight, grab each other's arms and Xavier gets a knick on Bruno's stomach. But Bruno gets Xavier's hip and pushes him against the wall, holding his knife arm. "Where is my money, give it to me."
Xavier says,"I don't have it."
Bruno forces the knife in Xavier's hand down but uses the knife to stab Xavier in his navel and Xavier reacts, slides down wall, falls onto his stomach and the knife in his hand now in his stomach, all fake of course. Bruno searches for the money and finds some, rolls Xavier over. Xavier reaches up with his own knife he found on ground and stabs into Bruno's stomach. Bruno takes knife in Xavier's stomach and stabs Xavier again so that Xavier finally "dies", fake of course.
Sebastian comes along with a knife and sees him wounded, "I want the money. I need to make more clones of me so I can rule."
Bruno says, standing, "I don't have it." He holds his belly.
2022-10-16 18:24Bruno forces the knife in Xavier's hand down but uses the knife to stab Xavier in his navel and Xavier reacts, slides down wall, falls onto his stomach and the knife in his hand now in his stomach, all fake of course. Bruno searches for the money and finds some, rolls Xavier over. Xavier reaches up with his own knife he found on ground and stabs into Bruno's stomach. Bruno takes knife in Xavier's stomach and stabs Xavier again so that Xavier finally "dies", fake of course.
Sebastian comes along with a knife and sees him wounded, "I want the money. I need to make more clones of me so I can rule."
Bruno says, standing, "I don't have it." He holds his belly.
Sebastian calls him a liar and they go back and forth about this for a bit about the money and him being a liar. Sebastian attacks with a knife. Bruno fights back and knicks Sebastian a bit. Sebastian backs off but then as Bruno relaxes a bit, Sebastian stabs his legs and makes him fall onto ground. Sebastian gets behind him wrestling and gets him in a hold from behind. He asks for money again. Jacques does not answer. Sebastian takes knife and puts it in Bruno's belly button, "Never mind, I will find it myself." He stabs him and holds him until Bruno seems to die, similar to dvd 9. Sebastian searches the boy and finds the money, takes it but as he is kneeling down, Bruno stabs Sebastian in the belly button and reaches up to do it. Sebastian3 falls back but holds onto the knife, Jacques follows, sitting up a bit. Sebastian grabs the knife in Bruno and stabs him again and again, taking it out. Bruno falls and Sebastian falls next to him to the side of him or on him, either way.
Outside a house, Xavier stands and so does Bruno. They have swords. Xavier says, "Sebastian wants us clones to guard the clone house. They are making more clones."
Jacques says, "If we do not, he'll kill us. We cannot leave the guard."
Sebastian comes along with a sword, "I am Sebastian, let me in."
"No, you are not," Xavier says, "Sebastian is inside."
2022-10-16 18:25"No, I am the real one, the first one,'' Sebastian says, "Let me inside."
Bruno says, "Maybe he's not inside."
"He is," Xavier says, "I saw him. This one killed the others and my brother."
"I didn't." Sebastian says.
Bruno says, "Come here and let me see you better. I can tell clones."
Sebastian comes close and pulls a knife, holds Bruno shoulder and puts a knife in his belly. Jacques gasps and falls and is wounded. Xavier pulls his sword and now faces Sebastian who uses the knife and the sword to fight. Sebastian says, "Your friend will die unless you get help and if you fight me, you will soon be joining him in his death."
"I cannot let you in," Xavier says. They sword fight. Sebastian wins and stabs Xavier's stomach. Xavier falls. Sebastian stands over him and raises his sword high but Xavier reaches up and stabs the sword into Sebastian's stomach. Riaan grabs it and drops his sword and falls onto it or with it and wrestles with it. Xavier crawls over to him and finding knife stabs that into Sebastian' s stomach also. Sebastian dies. Xavier crawls over to Bruno, "I got him."
Another Sebastian comes out of the house with a sword and calls the two, foolish and bad guards. Only his clone will guard the house better. He stands over both boys and stabs them both in the stomach and they die. He laughs.
Sebastian walks, off guard duty. Xavier and Bruno come from the bushes and grab him from behind. Xavier punches him in the stomach while Bruno holds him from behind. Xavier pulls a knife and stabs Sebastian in the stomach but Sebastian bends down and pulls his own knife out and swipes at the other two. Xavier gets behind Sebastian and holds him. Jacques takes the knife from Sebastian and as Xavier holds him he moves to stab him but Sebastian stabs him first and they both fall. Xavier bends down to examine Sebastian but Sebastian stabs him in the stomach and drops the knife and then Xavier falls and the two wrestle on the ground for the knife nearby. Xavier gets it and sits on top Sebastian and stabs him until he doesn’t move. Xavier falls too.
2022-10-16 18:25New day (?): Bruno has a sword and looks at Xavier who has a sword. “I am best. We must prove to clone makers who is best.” They sword fight. Sebastian comes with sword and watches, “Kill him.” They ask who and he says he does not care who kills who because he will kill the winner. Bruno and Xavier look at each other and sword fight closer and closer to Sebastian who laughs at them. Then Bruno knicks Riaan’s stomach with his sword and Sebastian holds his stomach and chest and bends down. Xavier gets behind him and holds him. Sebastian struggles as Bruno tries to stab him and Xavier and Sebastian fall. They roll around on the ground wrestling. Bruno tries to stab Sebastian but almost stabs Xavier on the ground as the other two wrestle. Xavier is about to lose to Sebastian, who pulls a knife but Bruno from behind hits the sword hilt into his back and circles to stab his belly but Xavier gets Sebastian back in the position, holding him from behind. Bruno moves to stab him in the stomach but Sebastian moves at the last moment and Bruno stabs Xavier in the belly button instead. Xavier feels it, arches back and tries to get off the sword but Bruno says, “Ahh, I was going to do that anyway.” As he stabs Xavier, Riaann stabs Jacuqes3 quickly and moves back. Xavier and Bruno fall onto each other, dying, daring the other to see who will die first.
Sebastian says, “The first one to die is the loser.” The two die at the same time and fall on ground. “They both lose. I’m the winner.” He stands over them and stabs them just to be sure. He laughs.
Bruno comes from the house, “The clone machine is on full. You will prove you can kill more clones than anyone.” Sebastian kills him.
One at a time, more and more clones of Xavier and Jacques come out, Xavier followed by Bruno and Sebastian has to stab them all. Each time one dies, another clone comes out to fight him, sometimes rapid succession. They sword fight over and over but Sebastian stabs them and they die. More come out. Sebastian kills them with sword and a knife. Finally, Xavier and Bruno clones come out and as one they both stab Riaan with swords at the same time. Sebastian falls. The two clones of Xavier and Bruno stab him from above. He tries to stand but they kill him. Then the two fight each other again and they kill each other.
2022-10-16 18:26Sebastian clone comes up to Xavier and Bruno and punches them down. Then as they try to recover, he ties them down with hands over head on ground, on stakes or pegs or something? Then he takes knives out and at the same time plugs their belly buttons with the knives, “Two for one. I win.”
2022-10-15 15:42False description of content. Described as having a lethal gunshot scene, but no such scene exists. But everything else about the video is excellent.
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2022-12-27 18:52