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Chris Cannon vs Tiger (HOT Muscle Wrestling)

#Best of #Featured #Fresh
Muscleboy Wrestling

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PremiumHDDownloadableLength: 24:10

Hot chocolate times TWO. From the moment Chris Cannon demanded Tiger to take off his leather vest for him we knew this would be special. Our jacked muscled spark plug Tiger vs tall COCKY Chris Cannon and his loaded trunks is the mouth watering match our fans have been thirsty for. Tiger suffers so hot and Chris is SO damn rough and cocky that the combination is perfection as he hammers away at Tiger with punches, stomps, and kicks to Tiger’s ripped abs. He also wears down Tiger’s bod with multiple scissors. This is no squash job however because Tiger is one STRONG dude and he manages to make several comebacks and scoops up big Chris for a long held RACK! He even traps Chris in a hot chokehold camel. Then Tiger pounces on Chris and tries to choke him out. Cannon’s hammering fists, skilled mat holds, and giant legs eventually prove too much for tough Tiger.

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Published on 2023-03-27

1 Comment


2023-08-02 07:17

Lit 🔥 amazing match

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Chris Cannon vs Tiger (HOT Muscle Wrestling)

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