
English: Two of Samir Hazard's friends come to pick him up to hang out, but he laying in bed taking a nap. His friends become restless and decide to wake him up the hard way. He is held from behind while the other friend punches his abs and pokes his finger and a screwdriver into Samir's hairy bellybutton. Eventually, he is shoved out of bed and held from behind while Steve Cass gives Samir intense punches into his vulnerable and weakened stomach.

Español: Dos amigos de Samir Hazard vienen a recogerlo para pasar un rato, pero él está tumbado en la cama tomando una siesta. Sus amigos se inquietan y deciden despertarlo por las malas. Lo sujetan por detrás mientras el otro amigo le golpea los abdominales y le mete el dedo y un destornillador en el ombligo peludo de Samir. Finalmente, lo empujan fuera de la cama y lo sujetan por detrás mientras Steve Cass le da a Samir intensos golpes en su vulnerable y debilitado estómago.

El pobre ombligo peludo de Samir Hazard

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 12:51

English: Two of Samir Hazard's friends come to pick him up to hang out, but he laying in bed taking a nap. His friends become restless and decide to wake him up the hard way. He is held from behind while the other friend punches his abs and pokes his finger and a screwdriver into Samir's hairy bellybutton. Eventually, he is shoved out of bed and held from behind while Steve Cass gives Samir intense punches into his vulnerable and weakened stomach.

Español: Dos amigos de Samir Hazard vienen a recogerlo para pasar un rato, pero él está tumbado en la cama tomando una siesta. Sus amigos se inquietan y deciden despertarlo por las malas. Lo sujetan por detrás mientras el otro amigo le golpea los abdominales y le mete el dedo y un destornillador en el ombligo peludo de Samir. Finalmente, lo empujan fuera de la cama y lo sujetan por detrás mientras Steve Cass le da a Samir intensos golpes en su vulnerable y debilitado estómago.


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Published on 2023-12-20


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El pobre ombligo peludo de Samir Hazard

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