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Chase and B. Sprite approach on the mat, a seemingly friendly embrace quickly turns into a takedown and Sprite wraps himself around Chase keeping his head and arms locked. Chase escapes the worst of it, gaining leverage but Sprite's legs maintain a vice grip until a simple but effective shove stamps Sprite's head to the mat.
Like two playful pythons both combatants stretch, bend and fold each other with a bounty of distractions threatening to break the other's resolve to secure victory over succumbing to erotic manipulation. Submission holds seamlessly morph into bulge worship, Chase's wiggling hips turn Sprite's head into a pinball and no nipple is safe in this bout.
Eventually lust wins out turning one into little more than a practice dummy, literally folded before tasting defeat with a face full of armpit and wedgied trunks stuffed deep by the victor's bulge in a humbling decisive pin.
Highlights: Promission, Heel/Jobber, Kissing, Spanking, Slapping, Domination
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This is a hot video! B Sprite is a newer wrestler to me, but I'm very glad I stumbled upon him! It's awesome seeing him take on Chase in this match.
Both of their bodies are in great shape, and each wrestler has amazingly hot feet that are on display. One even gets his foot licked at one point! 🥵🥵 If seeing and hearing panicked submissions is your thing, you'll enjoy this one.
Their erotic holds get steamier as the match goes on, and one wrestler's not waking away from this without getting his ass beaten!
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2024-11-09 00:55