
English: Danniel Ospina is jogging in the wilderness. He runs into two men who are looking to have some sadistic fun. They grab him into the woods and begin to punch him. As the beating continues, they blindfold him and increase the intensity of the punches. He is punched until blood comes dripping out of his mouth and the two men flee the area.

Español: Daniel Ospina está trotando en el desierto. Se encuentra con dos hombres que buscan divertirse sádicamente. Lo agarran en el bosque y comienzan a golpearlo. Mientras continúa la golpiza, le vendan los ojos y aumentan la intensidad de los golpes. Lo golpean hasta que le sale sangre de la boca y los dos hombres huyen del área.

Wilderness Jogger Gut Punched by Campers

#malegutpunching #2on1 #abspunch #gutpunch #gut punch

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Wilderness Jogger Gut Punched by Campers

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