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PremiumFullHDLength: 17:11
Here i take down the abs of a little guy friend of mine.
He loves the pain and i love making him go red and ripping his briefs off.
Let's stay tuned for more
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Published on 2022-07-21
2022-08-13 14:07Very good gut punch video, exciting to the end!
Want to see more of these guys!!
2022-08-01 09:36Awesome! Would love to see more of your friend getting punched in the abs, what happens afterwards?!
Guy West
2022-07-24 00:50Woof, really nice gut punch session! I specifically enjoy the atomic wedgie in the video.
The weak young man get his abs completely destroy by his stronger friend!
2022-07-23 20:21Very hot gp session with a young small guy with amazing abs. He takes allot of punches from his friend who is bigger. Highly recommended!
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2022-08-14 13:28