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FreeFullHDLength: 6:55
This is an old but great gutpunching video of me from 2015.
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Published on 2023-03-26
This could be the best GP video on the Internet. Def a classic! I'm hoping to see another vid like this some day but much longer version.
Liyumm FighterMode
2024-05-16 06:54Such a top-notch classic video! Pretty sure this was my intro into the GP world
2023-05-27 10:23No lie.... THIS has been my FAVORITE GP video for a long ass time! YOUR ABS are so strong they just cannot be broken!!
2023-05-03 13:33lol i love how on 5:34 the puncher punches the same place over and over and you were like 'bro wtf'
2023-03-27 01:32Oh man I remember this classic! Always wished I had an opportunity to gutpunch your amazing abs!
2023-03-27 11:54Yes it was long time ago as I posted this on youtube.
Would be great to have a GP session someday with you :-P
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2024-10-23 01:31