
Boxing Tony

#boxing #speedos

Video details

PremiumHDLength: 13:09

Tony's upset that he's always being beaten by Bear so he brings in the boxing gloves! He's certain that he'll knock out the larger man. Bear is equally sure that Tony won't stand a chance and offers his chin to the younger man for a free punch. Tony hauls off and slugs Bear and actually knocks him down! The hot boxer then sits on Bear's face and proceeds to punch him with illegal blows then turns and fondle the larger man with his boxing glove! Bear is stunned and when he gets up, staggers around the ring. Tony punches him out a bit more until the larger man falls to his knees. But Bear NEVER goes down easily and resorts to giving Tony a HARD punch right in his balls, turning the tide of this boxing match. From there on out, it's all Bear as he pummels the young stud all over the place, even getting creative with using some scissor holds to control Tony's head while he punches him out! You'll LOVE this hot boxing match!

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Published on 2024-05-14


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Boxing Tony

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