
Vance Vanity offers to help W4H newbie Cuban Heartbreaker learn the ropes!

Vance starts by explaining to Cuban exactly how to pull off an over the knee backbreaker. After delivering a couple of them to the Heartbreaker, Vance then talks the Cuban through pulling it off himself. The backbreaker moves to a full nelson next, with Vance showing the rookie how to change a full nelson to a takedown onto the mat.

If you enjoy seeing the curtain pulled back to see exactly how wrestlers deliver the moves they do and how to better their performance, then this video will be right up your alley. A training session unlike has ever been provided for those interested in exactly how the sausage is made is a treat for those aficionados.

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 16 minutes, 30 seconds

Going Pro - Vance Vanity vs. Cuban Heartbreaker

#studs #muscle #submission #submissionhold #training

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 16:30

Vance Vanity offers to help W4H newbie Cuban Heartbreaker learn the ropes!

Vance starts by explaining to Cuban exactly how to pull off an over the knee backbreaker. After delivering a couple of them to the Heartbreaker, Vance then talks the Cuban through pulling it off himself. The backbreaker moves to a full nelson next, with Vance showing the rookie how to change a full nelson to a takedown onto the mat.

If you enjoy seeing the curtain pulled back to see exactly how wrestlers deliver the moves they do and how to better their performance, then this video will be right up your alley. A training session unlike has ever been provided for those interested in exactly how the sausage is made is a treat for those aficionados.

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 16 minutes, 30 seconds

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Published on 2024-09-16


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Going Pro - Vance Vanity vs. Cuban Heartbreaker

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