
YSM98 Big Connor is flexing in the garden admiring his bodybuilding gains when a cocky little runt starts giving him attitude.

Alpha male Connor isn't taking any shit. He shows his size and muscle power crushing some fruit and then forces the little guy to compare bodys.

Big Connor crushes him in a bear hug and lifts him up under his arm pits and lets him sit one shoulder.

Big Connor shows skinny runt Muscle Power with bear hugs and flex comparisons

#Big vs Small #BearHugs #Flexing #Muscle

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 11:45

YSM98 Big Connor is flexing in the garden admiring his bodybuilding gains when a cocky little runt starts giving him attitude.

Alpha male Connor isn't taking any shit. He shows his size and muscle power crushing some fruit and then forces the little guy to compare bodys.

Big Connor crushes him in a bear hug and lifts him up under his arm pits and lets him sit one shoulder.


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Published on 2023-05-19


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Big Connor shows skinny runt Muscle Power with bear hugs and flex comparisons

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