You Are Finished! RudeBoi BK v Toby Grappling.
#wrestling twinks #cocky fighters #BK v Toby #muscled twink fightersVideo details
RudeBoi BK and Toby battle it out once again but one of these lads show no mercy though one of the lads claim to have an injury before the fight begins but does not let that bother him. He carries on until the end! Which one is it?
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i disagree with the comments above. The match was very real. Toby did win pretty decisively and I was surprised considering Rudeboy's size. However, the match was still real and fun. There should be a rematch. More match will mean more experience and better matches. Also, the issue with "flow" might be the setting. If you do more wrestling you might invest in a mat or puzzle mats. Matches on the ground might flow better. Still this is a thumbs up...great job and hot to see little toby beat big Rudeboy...more more from these two!
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Baby Tank
2024-11-16 12:57