Crushing ﹠ Gut Punching: Neodeleon vs. Feroce DeLeon
#friends #face sit #Reverse scissor #sleeper #Gut PunchingVideo details
PremiumFullHDLength: 14:38
Neo enjoys being the heel, using his powerful, thick thighs to trap Feroce's face right in the seam of his shorts. The face sitting becomes too scary with the mask, so Neo helps Feroce take it off, while still sitting on his chest.
Neo rains down some gut punching and Feroce thinks he's pretty confident, until Neo starts punching a little harder. hehe. The sleeper hold sunk in deep, and once Neo gassed out for a moment...
Feroce took his chance to get revenge by trying out his own sleeper hold, body scissors and full nelson. Neo resisted and was TOUGH!
Hope you enjoy, and thanks for watching!
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Published on 2023-08-09
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