
HSK vs Beast - Round 2 Part 2

#worship #pro wrestling #squash #scissors #sleeper
planted pinned
Bundle 2 49:41
HSK vs Beast 2024 Bundle
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PremiumFullHDLength: 20:28

The original video for Round 2 is too large to upload so it has been broken into 2 parts. Part 1 is approximately 30 minutes and Part 2 is approximately 20 minutes. If you buy both parts in the "HSK 2024 Bundle" you will get both parts at 50% off (essentially buy part one and get part two for free).

Also, the description below applies to the ENTIRE Round 2 (parts 1 and 2).

*There will be NO REFUNDS on either part of Round 2, so be sure to buy the Bundle to get both parts.

The small, fit HSK was totally dominated by Beast in Round 1. After the camera's stop rolling and he regains consciousness, HSK asks for a rematch. Beast is surprised but impressed by the young dude's guts. Beast agrees and the two guys face off one more time for another round.

HSK is small, but he is fit with amazing stamina. Unfortunately, after Round 2 begins, Beast realizes that his big beefy body hasn't had enough time to recuperate. He's big but he's tired and too slow for the revitalized HSK. Beast has been tricked and HSK seizes on the opportunity.

HSK takes immediate control of the bigger man. For almost an hour, HSK totally dominates Beast like he is a big sexy wrestling dummy.

HSK is a master of scissors and uses his strong legs to knock out Beast over and over. Head and body scissors combined with arm locks, sleepers, and a bearhug or two keep Beast down on the mat and weak as he tries to pry HSK off of him. At one point, HSK locks on a pair of scissors and Beast tries to shake him off like a wet dog. HSK holds on tight and brings Beast back down to the mat by squeezing the life out of him.

Beast gets KO'd and pinned over and over. HSK applies sexy pec and belly smothers, sbp pins, facesits, cross full body presses, roll ups, belly sitting, and every other embarrassing position he can think of while he occasionally flexes for the camera on top of the beaten Beast. Watch as the smaller HSK toys with Beast and at the same time worships his big, thick, furry frame. HSK rubs, grinds, squeezes, and massages Beast's beefy bod almost every time the big man is put down for the count. Beast moans and groans throughout the match while HSK gets cockier, smiling into the camera but staying eerily quiet for most of the match. He whispers trash talk as he owns the big man.

If you're a fan of big vs small matches, total squashes, slower-paced matches, beefy body worship, and just seeing a little guy get some revenge, this is definitely the vid for you.


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Published on 2024-09-22



2024-09-24 19:15

HSK showing how it's done manhandling the bigger Beast on his way to the major upset!

planted pinned

2024-09-25 03:08

(In reply to this)

I'll get him next time, Don! Check out Beast vs HSK to watch me destroy the little dude :)


2024-09-26 01:53

(In reply to this)

I do enjoy seeing the Beast putting little dudes in their place! Hell yeah

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HSK vs Beast - Round 2 Part 2

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