The ultimate Alpha: competitive body, dominant mind. The moment when everything falls into darkness. Airon VS His ToyBoy Round V Part 2
#cum #humiliation #bodybuilderVideo details
Part 2
The humiliation is not over.
I will force my toy to cum again and do things more shameful.
So scared by my powerful crushes around his skull and neck. My huge thighs made him totally submissive, he is too afraid to suffer again and more than anything he does not want to sink into the lymph every time I wrap my godly biceps of steel around his neck, stopping the passage of blood almost instantaneously! And he beg me to stop even if he has to do whatever i want.
But Iknew how to destroy his mind, exciting him by my ephebe musculature and subjecting his body to pressures never before reached. My toy is ashamed that he gave in, but I broke him. I am his nemesis.
Respect my body, do not doubt my Alpha attitude. Real bodybuilder there with steel muscles but it is nothing compared to my mental strength.
I am your God ! 😈.
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1 Comment
Damn!! First things first, what an amazingly hot match/session you two. Amazing control and endurance on both sides, for sure one of the best clips on the site.
That ending though, 🥵, talk about hot!! Mtemp, I’ve experienced KOs plenty of times in matches, even deep held ones like shown here. But god damn, I can only imagine how deep and intense that KO must have felt. Panic causing sure, but still so damn hot 💪🔥
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PA Wrestler
2024-07-09 05:45