
Marcus Ryan gets PUMMELED ﹠ NAKED Wrestling with hard on!

#gabesteel #marcusryan #squash
Muscleboy Wrestling

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PremiumHDLength: 45:22

Gabe Steel is all cocky attitude but with incredible wrestling talent and thick muscles to back it up! Marcus Ryan is a total newbie who appears to be about 120lbs soaking wet. When Gabe enters he says “I smell jobber” and he isn’t wrong. Little did we know that our young twinkie actually ENJOYS being obliterated by a hot muscled heel like Gabe! He has a FULL hard on for much of this squash and the kid is also tougher than steel. Gabe slowly takes apart young Marcus so skillfully one has to wonder if Gabe could have a career in the WWE or in the MMA arena. He strips off Marcus’ gear and massacres this boys body with blows and body mangling holds. Marcus spends a good portion of this match naked and hard. WOOF.

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Published on 2023-06-08


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Marcus Ryan gets PUMMELED ﹠ NAKED Wrestling with hard on!

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