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Squash Match w/ Beau Jordan

Welcome back class! This is Jobber Destruction 103: How to Milk Your Jobber. I'm Professor Dixon. Let's get started 😈.

I have a simple question. Beau Jordan is a sexy guy right? If you have seen his work before, your answer should be a quick and resounding, β€˜yes’.

Would you know what to do with a 6’ 3”, 200-lb jobber? How to stop him in his tracks and make sure he’s had enough? How to satisfy your hunger for humiliating opponents and fulfill his desire of being dominated?

Today, I’m going to give you a live demonstration of how to do just that, and by the end, hopefully it won’t only be Beau needing to be cleaned off.

Grab a notebook and some tissues. You’re gonna need them πŸ’¦

Don't forget to click on that green thumbs up if you enjoyed the match! Also be sure to let us know, in the comments, your favorite part(s). Tell us what you wanna see in future matches from us.

Jobber Destruction 103 w/ Beau Jordan (πŸ’¦ Ending)

#Cum Shot #Chokeout #Ass2Face #Squash Job #Racks
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D. Dixon University
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Squash Match w/ Beau Jordan

Welcome back class! This is Jobber Destruction 103: How to Milk Your Jobber. I'm Professor Dixon. Let's get started 😈.

I have a simple question. Beau Jordan is a sexy guy right? If you have seen his work before, your answer should be a quick and resounding, β€˜yes’.

Would you know what to do with a 6’ 3”, 200-lb jobber? How to stop him in his tracks and make sure he’s had enough? How to satisfy your hunger for humiliating opponents and fulfill his desire of being dominated?

Today, I’m going to give you a live demonstration of how to do just that, and by the end, hopefully it won’t only be Beau needing to be cleaned off.

Grab a notebook and some tissues. You’re gonna need them πŸ’¦

Don't forget to click on that green thumbs up if you enjoyed the match! Also be sure to let us know, in the comments, your favorite part(s). Tell us what you wanna see in future matches from us.

Created by

Beau Jordan

More like this

Published on 2024-10-12



2024-11-02 13:09

great lesson coach!!!!!! the emission submission was AWESOME!!!! more singlet matches please where you force her your opponent to emission in a pin hold/combbo


2024-10-23 13:21

One of the sexiest dominations I've seen
The control you have
So damn hot


2024-10-13 02:45

I will never get tired of seeing Beau get sexually dominated! <3


2024-10-12 15:19

do more videos like this I will buy everyone. You should do a follow up now since you forced him to shoot his load. Now do a follow up or you put him in a head scissor sit on his face and shoot your load keep doing more domination videos love it when you forced them to service you


2024-10-12 16:35

(In reply to this)

Thanks for the support! There are definitely more domination videos coming 😈


2024-10-12 15:11

Hot hot hot! I think what makes Beau such a sexy jobber is that he’s hunky and not a little twink. The strip down and naked rack were my favorite as well as the happy ending.


2024-10-12 16:34

(In reply to this)

Yeah, the naked rack was one of my favorite parts too πŸ’ͺ🏾

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Jobber Destruction 103 w/ Beau Jordan (πŸ’¦ Ending)

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