Feroce DeLeon
811 FollowersVideo details
This was legit our first ever squeeze... I first coached the guy (he's 6' and 210 lbs, super built) on how to squeeze and told him he could ignore my first tap or two... but he went SO TIGHT!!!
I managed to stay awake and taped frantically for the first squeeze, but I was out deep for the second... so hot to watch! ughhhh.
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It's DEFINITELY hot to watch a KO video after it's done... but it is a bit hard on me when I get choked out too often/too deep... and it's a little scary too! haha!
But I'll keep trying to capture the KO's... as this was a complete surprise... and wow he REALLY kept squeezing... even past my KO hehe.
What else would you like to see? Sounds like if this goes well, he's down to make an account and start making lots more content! I'd love for that to be a thing... hehe!
Hope you enjoy, and thanks to everyone for supporting!
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Feroce DeLeon
811 FollowersMore like this
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PA Wrestler
2023-07-04 19:15