
Intense, Sweaty, Passionate! Kevin HK Lee vs Jaxon Valiant

#Heel/Jobber #Knockouts #Muscle Worship #Bulge Grabbing
Jaxon Valiant

Video details

PremiumFullHDLength: 18:29

Jaxon finally gets his hand on the incredibly sexy Kevin HK Lee! From the start this match is very intense with some passionate lip-locking before the two studs even lock up. Nipple play, gut punching, bulge grabbing, and plenty of trash talking are all displayed in this one. Kevin does everything he can to fight back from Jaxon's brute strength, but can he survive his sleepers, backbreakers, and his devastating headscissors? You'll have to watch to find out!

Match ends with some incredible flexing and muscle worship as they are absolutely drenched in sweat. Definitely a match you do not wanna miss!

Created by

Jaxon Valiant
kevin hk lee

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Published on 2024-03-23



2024-04-29 21:55

This match was good except for Kevin who wasn't as aggressive as he has been in the past even thow he did start out as a jobber/heal but mostly the heal. Jaxon was good and is very hot and sexy and should do good in the wrestling area. I would love to see another match between these two. Great job, Bill


2024-03-23 17:26

Where do I begin…

Crotch grabs, piledrivers, sleepers of all kind…. Literally just within the first few minutes!! The action kept intensifying from there with Kevin putting up some fight to try and gain the upper hand against the larger alpha. Leave it to Jaxon though.. even when Kevin managed to slow him down, that alpha heel found a way!

Amazing work, both of you. Glad to finally witness this 🔥 action.

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Intense, Sweaty, Passionate! Kevin HK Lee vs Jaxon Valiant

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