
English: Raw Mathews enters a parking garage on his motorcycle when his former friend, Jack Strong, and another man ambush him and put him in an elevator. Raw is tied up and gagged while Jack calls his family to get ransom money. Raw tells his family not give them anything. Jack tells the family that Raw will suffer the consequences. The bodybuilder's muscled abs are destroyed first by Jack's friend, then by Jack. Will Raw Mathews be able to escape being a hostage and the stomach punishment?

Español: Raw Mathews entra a un estacionamiento en su motocicleta cuando su antiguo amigo, Jack Strong, y otro hombre lo emboscan y lo meten en un ascensor. Raw está atado y amordazado mientras Jack llama a su familia para pedir el dinero del rescate. Raw le dice a su familia que no les dé nada. Jack le dice a la familia que Raw sufrirá las consecuencias. Los musculosos abdominales del culturista son destruidos primero por el amigo de Jack y luego por Jack. ¿Podrá Raw Mathews escapar de ser un rehén y del castigo estomacal?

Raw Mathews Taken Hostage and Gut Punched

#malegutpunching #2on1 #gut punch #abspunch #gutpunch

Video details

PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 15:57

English: Raw Mathews enters a parking garage on his motorcycle when his former friend, Jack Strong, and another man ambush him and put him in an elevator. Raw is tied up and gagged while Jack calls his family to get ransom money. Raw tells his family not give them anything. Jack tells the family that Raw will suffer the consequences. The bodybuilder's muscled abs are destroyed first by Jack's friend, then by Jack. Will Raw Mathews be able to escape being a hostage and the stomach punishment?

Español: Raw Mathews entra a un estacionamiento en su motocicleta cuando su antiguo amigo, Jack Strong, y otro hombre lo emboscan y lo meten en un ascensor. Raw está atado y amordazado mientras Jack llama a su familia para pedir el dinero del rescate. Raw le dice a su familia que no les dé nada. Jack le dice a la familia que Raw sufrirá las consecuencias. Los musculosos abdominales del culturista son destruidos primero por el amigo de Jack y luego por Jack. ¿Podrá Raw Mathews escapar de ser un rehén y del castigo estomacal?


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Published on 2023-11-27


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Raw Mathews Taken Hostage and Gut Punched

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