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#083 T-World Vs Tommy Gunn

#Beefy #British #Heavyweight #Hunks #Wrestling

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 22:05

Still bitter after losing the UKWH Grand Championship to Red Redemption, T-World is found skulking in the changing rooms by none other than the new champion.

After some back and forth, semi-hostile banter, Red states he will give T-World a "challenge". Assuming that Red means a shot to gain HIS title back, T-World readily accepts. Eager and cocky, he walks out only to find Red is nowhere in sight and standing in the ring is the latest UKWH addition, Tommy Gunn.

Tommy has the height and reach advantage over T-World, but he wasn't UKWH champion for no reason and doesn't waste time in closing the gap and driving Tommy Gunn to the canvas where he proceeds to pick apart this "challenge" with malice and contempt.

We can't help but feel that T-World won't soon forget being swindled like this anytime soon.

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Published on 2022-08-06


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#083 T-World Vs Tommy Gunn

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