Preview of Kenny Blaze Gut Punching the Knight!

#gutpunching #prowrestling #jobber #heel
The Dark knights

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FreeLength: 0:05

Hey guys here’s a short clip of gut punching action video that is on sale for only $5. I hope you guys like the action! Stay tuned for more!! Grrrrr

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Published on 2024-03-13



2024-03-14 02:20

Good gut punching on you over and over

The Dark knights

2024-03-14 02:25

(In reply to this)

Thanks buddy! I had a blast and the most amazing time! The full clip is posting soon! Its already in process and awaiting approval and for it to post!


2024-03-14 01:02

Nice dude! Love how yer legs give out on ya there! Can wait to see the whole thing!

The Dark knights

2024-03-14 01:06

(In reply to this)

Hey Starfox thanks so much! I greatly appreciate it! It was definitely a fun moment, and I had a blast!! Grrrrr

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