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Met against a tall opponent. Brown belt judoka. He tried to throw me but I managed to dodge it. But in the end, I was totally owned by him. His newaza is good. He did a very tight hold down. Although I struggled hard I couldn't break his hold down. Didn't win the fight but it was truly an eye opening experience. Ippon by kesa-gatame.

Lost to a brown belt in newaza

#judo #karate #Martial arts #Taekwondo #Jiujitsu

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PremiumFullHDLength: 1:29

Met against a tall opponent. Brown belt judoka. He tried to throw me but I managed to dodge it. But in the end, I was totally owned by him. His newaza is good. He did a very tight hold down. Although I struggled hard I couldn't break his hold down. Didn't win the fight but it was truly an eye opening experience. Ippon by kesa-gatame.

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Published on 2021-11-23


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Lost to a brown belt in newaza

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