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We fade in on TWO piled up and exhausted wrestlers (Danny and Kid Johnny), destined to continue their battle as they slowly wake up. Both fighters are completely exhausted, and struggle to take the other one out in this KO-packed battle! Kid Johnny scores an early point with a sleeper hold on Danny, as well as some belly splashes and even a neck-scissors later on, but it's DANNY who dominates this battle, putting the babyfaced twink jobber through multiple KOs, including: belly blows, bearhug, ground bearhug KO, pins, reverse neckscissors, inverted thigh scissors KO, sleeper hold, drooling sleeper, WEDGIE/choke combo, SPLADLE ass in the air pin, front bulge smother scissors, heart punch blows, front facesit pin, stunner, leghook pin, and a final double KO body pile!!!
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Zach Masters
2024-06-03 13:31