
Dark Steele (aka Gabe Steele) has a plan for the city. It is simple, it is clever, it is quick and it is diabolical. He merely plans to blow it to bits.

As he sets the bomb to go off he is suddenly met by the city's hero....Steel Man (played by Monstah Mike).

Our hero assures Dark Steele that he will not allow harm to come to the city and demands Dark Steele give him the code to deactivate the bomb. When our villain refuses, Steel Man decides to beat the code out of him, and begins punishing his arch enemy!

Through a series of devastating holds, our hero puts the hurt on Dark Steele, and yet still the villain has decided that he would rather perish with the rest of the city rather than give up the code. Slowly escalating the holds devastation, it becomes increasingly obvious that more desperate measures need to be employed.

Steel Man throws Dark Steele to the side at one point and our villain emerges with a green glowing bar that suddenly sends our hero reeling. At a sudden loss of his powers, Steel Man finds himself unable to defend himself as Dark Steele takes the upper hand. Pressing his advantage, Dark Steele uses the moment to strip our hero down to just a red thong. Tying the green bar into the back of the thong, now Steel Man cannot escape it's deadly effects.

With Steel Man now Dark Steele's puppet, our villain works now to further humiliate and punish our hero. The green rod gets shoved in places that it really shouldn't.

What happens to the city is never shown, but I think we can all agree what fate awaits them. A true humiliation and defeat of a chiseled hero by a most dastardly villain. This one has it all!

One of our five star reviews said, "Hot hot hot
I think this might be the hottest and most convincing superhero video yet."

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 27 minutes, 6 seconds

Devastating Humiliation - Dark Steele (Gabe Steele) vs. Steel Man (Monstah Mike)

#superhero #supervillain #goodvsevil #humiliation

Video details

PremiumHDLength: 27:05

Dark Steele (aka Gabe Steele) has a plan for the city. It is simple, it is clever, it is quick and it is diabolical. He merely plans to blow it to bits.

As he sets the bomb to go off he is suddenly met by the city's hero....Steel Man (played by Monstah Mike).

Our hero assures Dark Steele that he will not allow harm to come to the city and demands Dark Steele give him the code to deactivate the bomb. When our villain refuses, Steel Man decides to beat the code out of him, and begins punishing his arch enemy!

Through a series of devastating holds, our hero puts the hurt on Dark Steele, and yet still the villain has decided that he would rather perish with the rest of the city rather than give up the code. Slowly escalating the holds devastation, it becomes increasingly obvious that more desperate measures need to be employed.

Steel Man throws Dark Steele to the side at one point and our villain emerges with a green glowing bar that suddenly sends our hero reeling. At a sudden loss of his powers, Steel Man finds himself unable to defend himself as Dark Steele takes the upper hand. Pressing his advantage, Dark Steele uses the moment to strip our hero down to just a red thong. Tying the green bar into the back of the thong, now Steel Man cannot escape it's deadly effects.

With Steel Man now Dark Steele's puppet, our villain works now to further humiliate and punish our hero. The green rod gets shoved in places that it really shouldn't.

What happens to the city is never shown, but I think we can all agree what fate awaits them. A true humiliation and defeat of a chiseled hero by a most dastardly villain. This one has it all!

One of our five star reviews said, "Hot hot hot
I think this might be the hottest and most convincing superhero video yet."

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 27 minutes, 6 seconds

Published on 2024-10-02

1 Comment


2025-01-22 17:14

Mike and Gabe are both super hot studs!

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Devastating Humiliation - Dark Steele (Gabe Steele) vs. Steel Man (Monstah Mike)

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