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The final instalment of Halloween 2022 is upon us. What could be a more fitting end that is the ultimate evil of the Demon squaring off against fan favourite newcomer rookie jobber Roberto. Already warming up in the ring sporting some stylish blue trunks, Roberto is non the wiser as to what is about to ruin his day. Not being at UKWH HQ is no protection from the Demon, particularly at this time of year. Skulking around the outside of the ring, the Demon makes a slow approach, eyeing up the pretty boy in blue. Too his credit, unlike all other victims, Roberto doesn't cave in to fear and comes out swinging landing several blows and strikes against the Demon. But this is the Demon after all, and it will take much more than that to hold off his onslaught of chokes, slams, grabs and ultimate Tombstones! When all is said and done. a beaten and unconscious Roberto is rolled from the ring where the Demon scoops up his prize over the shoulder and carries him back to the locker room for whatever additional punishment the Demon sees fit.
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