Free Preview Real Human Punch Bag

#Abs Conditioning #Abs Training #Gut Punch #Gut Punching #boxing
Kush Man

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FreeFullHDLength: 1:54

This is real action without a single trace of acting - a real human punch bag treatment.
The heavyweight boxer was treating the six packs slim guy as his punching bag to practice his boxing punches. He was too focus in practicing his punches until he didn’t notice his heavy and deep punches were all landed on a human body but not a punching bag…

Purchase the full version to see whether the punchee can survive under about 10 minutes of non stop merciless punches!

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Published on 2024-06-20

1 Comment


2024-06-22 05:19

DUDE!!! Those 8 Pack abs just took a for real beating!!!! DAMN!!! And you came through it like a CHAMP!!! watching your abs get punched like that gave me a very intense orgasm ! Thank you!!!

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