
Boxer for a day

Ring Queens

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 22:07

Tundra finds herself trapped in a perilous web of debts, tangled with the most dangerous sharks in town. Time is ticking away, mercilessly counting down the moments until the wrathful enforcers arrive at her doorstep, ready to confiscate her property. Her heart races with adrenaline, as she realizes that today is the day when her destiny hangs in the balance.

In a twist of fate, a glimmer of hope flickers before Tundra's desperate eyes. An audacious opportunity emerges, beckoning her towards a daring path to salvation. Without a moment's hesitation, she plunges headfirst into the chaotic world of the ring, defying the odds stacked against her. No time for training, no safety net to catch her fall. The arena becomes her battleground as she assumes the role of an unexpected pugilist, driven solely by her sheer will and raw determination. The crowd holds its breath, anticipation electrifying the air, as Tundra prepares to face her formidable opponents, ready to prove that the underdog can rise to the challenge and conquer the impossible.

Published on 2023-01-05


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