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Going back in the midst of time back in the MBSL days. This video is a two video in one show featuring Bodybuilder Andy Slater (19 years of age) A non stop flexing and posing show. A beautiful physique and quite cheeky the way he shows it!

Andy Slater Pose

#Bodybuilder #twink muscle #bodybuildingtwink #cocky muscle twink #flex show

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 24:49

Going back in the midst of time back in the MBSL days. This video is a two video in one show featuring Bodybuilder Andy Slater (19 years of age) A non stop flexing and posing show. A beautiful physique and quite cheeky the way he shows it!

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Published on 2023-07-29



2023-10-26 21:12

It is a shame that we were never able to see Andy posing nude


2023-09-30 15:58

Hi there . Do you have the videos of Andy in your back garden ripping up a phone directory


2023-09-30 17:14

(In reply to this)

I have been searching for that one and can't seem to locate it.. That video was one of his best and I will keep searching..


2023-10-04 23:33

(In reply to this)

No worries . Great to be able to view these videos again as I was a big fan of MBSL. Do you have that video of the guy who was posing in his posers in a forest / woodland . Apologies but cannot recall his name .


2025-01-01 01:20

(In reply to this)

Was it Kieran? In purple trunks?


2025-01-01 20:45

(In reply to this)

No , it was some guy who was wrapped in a towel. Took the towel off and posed in some nude coloured posers


2023-10-05 01:46

(In reply to this)

I'll PM you ..


2023-07-29 16:20

You can tell that cock is nice!!


2023-07-29 15:37

Andy's torso looks amazing oiled up. Hot hairy pits. And the yellow posers in the first vid show off his package beautfully.

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Andy Slater Pose

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