
While superman travels in the deepest forest he finds there a new villain 🦹‍♀️ with super magic powers ‼️

Superman starts to fight but in the middle of the fight the villain Teleports superman and himself in a new room to trap him ‼️

The villain for Superman to snap his neck himself and superman pass out, but the villain knows that this is not enough to keep superman down

After superman wakes up he get himself covered in Kriptonite and see how the villain Strat to touch and jerks off his cock until Superman cum💦

This vdieo had everything that you want , fight, worship, and cum💦 unlock the full 20 mn video and support my work thx🙏

Adventure of superman ‼️ 20 mn video‼️

#Supeman #Best of #superhero

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PremiumHDLength: 20:06

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Adventure of superman ‼️ 20 mn video‼️

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