
Callum v Matt 1 - CVM1


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PremiumFullHDLength: 28:20


This is the second “Wrestle4aFee” match for Callum and the first for Matt. The action takes place within a professional wrestling ring situated in an industrial unit but the action is more like a match on wrestling mats in terms of its style. This match is over 28 minutes long and was filmed over a number of rounds each of which ends with a submission. The camera man is in the ring with the wrestlers so the action is closely filmed. Callum wears plain red trunks (only) whilst Matt has blue “cycle pant” style shorts, black knee protectors and white trainers. I’m not sure why their attire differs as it seems inappropriate and unnecessary. These boys, however, appear well matched, good looking, and similar sized. Callum is possibly slightly the heavier and Matt slightly the taller but they are both chunky light heavyweights not slight pretty boys. The match starts with a quick handshake and then we’re off. The first couple of rounds are quick fire and score one for each competitor – these rounds also end with a handshake. This is a serious contest with no time to chat. There is no prologue and no posing or posturing – it’s action all the way. It is also waged sportingly so don’t look for a heel here. The wall is decorated with the catchy phrase “it takes pain to entertain” – you will be entertained! The close filming suits this style of action as the wrestlers keep to the mat for the entire match as they grapple back and forth. If you enjoy the more serious contests without showbiz razzmatazz then this is for you.

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Published on 2022-06-13


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Callum v Matt 1 - CVM1

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