
Beast vs Wrslmsk - Match 2

#pro wrestling #scissor #piledriver #mask #big vs small
planted pinned
Bundle 3 59:24
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PremiumFullHDLength: 20:13

Beast and Wrslmsk go another round in this, Match 2. Both studs have something to prove and the match takes off fast Beast locks Wrslmsk's head inbetween his massive thighs. Wrslmsk escapes and counters with a camel clutch and then a barage of chest and gut punches. Wrslmsk tries to end the match with a quick pin but Beast won't have it. The two lock up again and in seconds a full nelson scissor combo and an arm bar appear with the guys punching and kicking each other to get control and keep it.

Wrslmsk is out of control with his submission holds; his leg locks and half-crabs weaken the bigger man's legs. Beast counters with raw power moves like a bulldog and a crushing powerslam. Beast tries to slow Wrslmsk down with a choke, but Wrslmsk escapes with a series of gut punches and a hard elbow. Beast stretches Wrslmsk's legs like a wishbone at Christmas, but the tough guy won't give him.

This matches carries on for 20+ minutes as these two masters of the ring vie for control. There are low blows, bigdrops, solid knockouts and even some ringside damage as each man refuses to give in or be pinned. The ending to this one will definitely surprise fans everywhere as one man is knocked out for good and the other is on top very pleased with himself. A sexy chest rub wraps up this tense back and forth, but these two are determined to meet again soon.

Thanks to Wrslmsk and WrslCoach for editing this series!

Wanna save a few bucks? Get the combo:

Big Blue vs Wrslmsk - Match 1
Beast vs Wrslmsk - Match 1
Beast vs Wrslmsk - Match 2


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Published on 2023-07-21
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Beast vs Wrslmsk - Match 2

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