Competitiv MMA match ended with full domination and forced to worship, Bogdan, Kevin and Marius
#mma #Kickboxing #Boxing #submision #muscleworshipVideo details
PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 17:12
The movie starts with Kevin challange Marius in MMAfight , offcors Marius eassy dominates Kevin and humilate, so Bogdan seeing the humilation of Kevin step in and challange Marius , after few minut if fighting stand and submision , Marius noticed Kevin laughing of him when get punched or choked, so he decide to teach Kevin a leason, and starts dominate kevin hard no mercy, Bogdan olso joyin but this time to force kevin worship bojth of them , the movie ends with bogdan chokeing till ko Kevin 💪💪💪
Cool storry and verry hot, dont miss it! 💪💪💪
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Published on 2024-02-17
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2024-02-19 17:05