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Multiple brutall chokes punishmant until faint πŸ’ͺ

#brutalko #Brutalchokes #multiple ko's #chokes #wrestlinginbed

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 31:58

Christian wants to show Denny how strong his legs are. Denny doubts his power and let him try to make Denny submit in his headscissors. Its a lot stronger than Denny thought and denny start to tap. Christian gets carried away and decides to put denny to sleep. He then mounts Denny with a sch-ool-boy pin flexing over him. He slaps denny awake, boasting about how strong his legs are. Then he puts denny in another headscissors humi-lia-ting him with his balls in his face. He puts denny to sleep again. He slaps denny awake again. Christian is starting to get really cocky thinking he's got Denny.

DENNY finally get tired of his cockiness and decide to humble him. DENNY push him off and get him in HIS own sch-ool-boy. Flexing over him, letting him know he's in for a world of pain for trying to hum-ilia-te HIM . Then DENNY start all out crushing Christian with HIS huge legs. Triangles, headscissors, force the balls on his face , Repeatedly choking him out as revenge for his cockiness. Showing him that Denny's legs are truly superior. squeeze harder and knock him out over and over .

Don't mis this wonderfull storry 32 min long , one of the best video ! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

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Published on 2024-04-04

1 Comment


2024-11-28 17:20

Nothing is hotter than when Denny wants to punish someone, especially Christian. Denny’s abs & butt are truly magnificent.

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Multiple brutall chokes punishmant until faint πŸ’ͺ

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