
Wedgie and Domination, poor Black Horny Guy

##wedgie ##domination ##wrestling ##masturbation
Black Panther

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 4:41

Hot wedgie session
Lift and carry and masturbation a black horny guy and your black dick

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Published on 2023-01-18



2023-01-21 18:05

Excellent video! I say that the jobber has had enough and it's time for his revenge match against the heel. Any chance of seeing a sequel to this match with the nude horny boy wrestling aggressively or wearing shorts with lots of wedgies and cock(s) exposed on the mat ? One can only wish. LOL

It's time for us jobbers to revolt against the bullies (and I write this with a smile) and give them a taste of their own medicine!

Again, it was an excellent video and I look forward to future releases (soon)


2023-01-18 23:04

Negrolutador I have to say you are very hot in your pink gear. You know how to wrestle and I like that also. I must say I would like to wrestle you but I think you would kick my ass and I think I might like that. Your style is hot and erotic and very sexy. Being that I am bigger on size I still don't think I would win, but wouldn't mind giving it a try. Either way you look good and will look at some of your other videos, Bill from Vermont

Black Panther

2023-01-19 01:54

(In reply to this)

Thanks Man, Your opinion is important to me

Swamped (deleted member)

2023-01-18 17:46

GREAT new vid! You know how to manhandle your jobber.

Black Panther

2023-01-18 18:14

(In reply to this)

thanks for feedback man!
I'm here to put the jobber in his place =)

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Wedgie and Domination, poor Black Horny Guy

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