
English: Military man, Danniel Ospina, has captured an enemy and is interrogating him with punches to the stomach. The enemy's accomplice enters and stops Danniel's rough treatment. The two men push Danniel's face into a sink of water to weaken him, then begin to destroy his midsection with punches while Danniel is trying to catch his breath from being held underwater. Eventually, the beating causes Danniel to spit up blood from the intensity of the deep punches into his vulnerable stomach.

Español: El militar Danniel Ospina ha capturado a un enemigo y lo interroga a golpes en el estómago. El cómplice del enemigo entra y detiene el trato rudo de Danniel. Los dos hombres empujan la cara de Danniel hacia un fregadero de agua para debilitarlo, luego comienzan a destruir su abdomen con golpes mientras Danniel intenta recuperar el aliento al estar retenido bajo el agua. Finalmente, la paliza hace que Danniel escupe sangre por la intensidad de los golpes profundos en su vulnerable estómago.

Danniel Ospina Submerged ﹠ Gut Punched

#malegutpunching #2on1 #abspunch #gutpunch #gut punch

Video details

PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 12:26

English: Military man, Danniel Ospina, has captured an enemy and is interrogating him with punches to the stomach. The enemy's accomplice enters and stops Danniel's rough treatment. The two men push Danniel's face into a sink of water to weaken him, then begin to destroy his midsection with punches while Danniel is trying to catch his breath from being held underwater. Eventually, the beating causes Danniel to spit up blood from the intensity of the deep punches into his vulnerable stomach.

Español: El militar Danniel Ospina ha capturado a un enemigo y lo interroga a golpes en el estómago. El cómplice del enemigo entra y detiene el trato rudo de Danniel. Los dos hombres empujan la cara de Danniel hacia un fregadero de agua para debilitarlo, luego comienzan a destruir su abdomen con golpes mientras Danniel intenta recuperar el aliento al estar retenido bajo el agua. Finalmente, la paliza hace que Danniel escupe sangre por la intensidad de los golpes profundos en su vulnerable estómago.


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Published on 2024-08-31


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Danniel Ospina Submerged ﹠ Gut Punched

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