
Austin Tyler CRUSHES Corey Turner! HOT PRO mat match

#austintyler #coreyturner #prowrestling #muscleboywrestling
Muscleboy Wrestling

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PremiumHDLength: 22:40

Austin is a pro wrestling star on TV and watching this video you can really see why. After enjoying this gorgeous stud use his power moves and fercious mat holds on the several BMW wrestlers over the years, we knew he’d eventually be a star. The mismatch of Austin vs Corey is something Austin thrives on and once he establishes control he never lets up. He lays into poor Corey with every move known to man and they are BRUTAL as hell. When Austin is given this type of advantage he is merciless as he takes apart Corey limb by limb. This slow and steady squash is obviously turning on little Corey and Austin never blinks as he works him with abandon! Slams, piledrivers, body blows, racks, scissors, backbreakers and tons MORE! The suplexes are a true thing of beauty as Corey’s sexy little body gets tossed around like a crash test dummy. This is a clinic and Austin is the master, so bow down and get off because this kind of talent is rare.

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Published on 2024-01-28


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Austin Tyler CRUSHES Corey Turner! HOT PRO mat match

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