
roleplay video

my bodybuilder flat mate is always lounging around in his underwear so I decided to learn hypnosis and teach him a lesson

I hypnotise him and instruct him to wank his cock and show off his hole.

Whilst he's under my control I muscle worship and wank his cock and inspect his hole .

He wanks until he cums and then I put him to sleep on my couch

full video is 10:24mins long featuring charlielondon

Hypnotised bodybuilder flatmate

#hypnotised #hypnosis #control #wank #cum

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PremiumFullHDLength: 10:24

roleplay video

my bodybuilder flat mate is always lounging around in his underwear so I decided to learn hypnosis and teach him a lesson

I hypnotise him and instruct him to wank his cock and show off his hole.

Whilst he's under my control I muscle worship and wank his cock and inspect his hole .

He wanks until he cums and then I put him to sleep on my couch

full video is 10:24mins long featuring charlielondon

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Published on 2024-08-21

1 Comment


2024-11-04 03:55

Very hot! Would’ve been better if he’d been chok’d out at the end as a final punishment heh heh.

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Hypnotised bodybuilder flatmate

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