
Sunny DeLeon Vs BoxHard - Sep 12, 2023

#Submission #Trash talk
Sunny DeLeon

Video details

PremiumFullHDLength: 18:15

Sunny DeLeon takes on lean brawler Boxhard who seems more aggressive than usual.

Sunny approaches the fight with calm demeanor but Boxhard doesn't play by any rules but his own as he resorts to trash talking, tickling and low blows driving his fist and knees into Sunny's groin.

Sunny applies several holds but Boxhard manages to escape them.

After finally getting the first fall, Sunny attempts to make his victory pose but is immediately attacked by the lean brawler who doesn't want the match to end.

His aggression heightens as he presses his chest against Sunny's face and dislodges one of Sunny's contacts. Sunny is now literally fighting blind.

Will Sunny's skill prevail or will Boxhard finally get his victory over the Haus of DeLeon leader?


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Published on 2023-09-29



2023-10-03 12:51

The student vs the master. maybe a boxing match next?

Sunny DeLeon

2023-10-03 12:55

(In reply to this)

We've done a few already 😉. If you go to my profile and select "Fighters" you can check out which matches I've filmed with Boxhard by clicking on his pic.

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Sunny DeLeon Vs BoxHard - Sep 12, 2023

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