
1ST PERSON: you defeat me many times in battle, and I fall before you…

#Death #gladiator #jobber #Navel #Sword
Drayzn Dodger

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 6:09

With more than 10 KOs, witness how it feels first-person as you defeat a young, shirtless swordsman clad in tight briefs as he tries to slay you in an underground dungeon with his sword in his quest to be the greatest, which you’ll soon end…

End his career and life with magic, melee hits, and watch as you defeat me and I fall before you.

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Published on 2024-06-17



2024-08-30 16:24

I love the premise, but the deaths are too similar. Clutch chest, fall to knees, reach out, fall to stomach. There should be a greater variety of falls and death poses; shake like you're being riddled with bullets, spasm like you've been electrocuted, roll around like you're on fire, land on your back, land on your side, land with arms overhead, or stretched out like a T, land with legs bent, or straight and spread wide, etc etc. Variety is the spice of life (and death)

Kim dong hyan

2024-06-22 09:05

This is nice, but I think in the video you tend to collapse too much at once, I think it's better to keep trying to confront it, but keep getting attacked, stabbed, and eventually defeated

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1ST PERSON: you defeat me many times in battle, and I fall before you…

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