
Fighting over dishes

#Wrestling #Boyfriendvsboyfriend #Feet #Fight

Video details

PremiumHDLength: 9:44

I didn't want to do the dishes. My boyfriend didn't want to do the dishes.
Only one way to settke it.
Sorry that it's cut pretty weird. My boyfriend doesn't want to show his face. In future videos he will wear a mask and you'll get to see the full action uncut!

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Published on 2023-04-02



2023-12-01 02:15

Just got this one the other day. Simple, natural and erotic. What's better than a pair of blond guys in jeans playfully wrestling on the kitchen floor. Hopefully you'll have more vids out soon.

Dadbearfighter (deleted member)

2023-04-06 12:23

Very nice tussle, boys! The sight of your tangled up feet alone gives me a boner.

Warrior (deleted member)

2023-04-03 16:29

So hot. Like watching a pair of viking twins. Next time shirts and jeans should come off.


2023-04-03 17:37

(In reply to this)

Haha maybe we will have a rip and strip match one day

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Fighting over dishes

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