Fighting RamiSY part 2

Wrestler 59

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After the tables were turned and he was on top he tried to immobilise me and let me tap but my arms were fighting back and my legs blocked his legs so he couldn't escape allso! It went that way very long as i am strong allso! Strong against strong! He got in trouble when i used a half nelson meanwhile at 1.44 and 12.18! He groaned! So i tapped only at the 22nd minute from the very beginning! I stand my man! Man against man! Biceps against biceps! Chest on chest! Two alpha males fighting for victory! But RamiSY is the greatest alpha male of us both! Congretulations!

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Published on 2024-01-03


sietse1963 (deleted member)

2024-01-03 16:02

Oh yes, RamiSY is the clear winner! Hot wrestling action! Would love to see you both nude...

Wrestler 59

2024-01-03 16:13

(In reply to this)

You can see me a whole day naked!

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