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It's been a while since Beast had a straight-up squash session with some poor loser looking to get crushed, smothered, sat on, and dominated. Chubby Cub was the last poor sap to find his face buried in the Beast's ass (for a full hour!). Now another loser, much bigger than the first, has stepped up for the challenge.
Outlaw stands at 5'11 and a beefy 260 lbs. He's a big fan of Beast's ability to crush opponents with his body in a variety of pins and wants to see how much he can handle. Beast loves pins and is happy to take on the challenge.
Watch as Beast immediately starts to crush the other big man under his awesome beefy frame. The trash talk begins almost immediately, and Outlaws moans and groans are absolutely HOT. Beast squashes outlaw with an awesome array of crushing moves and holds. You'll see crossbody and fullbody pins, facesitting, tight crotch pins and crotch smothers, chest and belly smothers, and a sexy pair of headscissors after Beast wedgies up his own trunks for the camera. There's flexing, armpit smothers, and crushing of every variety the Beast can dream up.
The domination continues and so do the moans and groans. Almost 30 minutes of pure squashing domination leaves Outlaw in a giant heaping pile of mush. Beast takes special pleasure in locking the big man up in KOD sleepers with repeated belly flops. When Beast FINALLY decides to end the punishment, he grabs the camera for some close-up action and forces Outlaw to count himself out in a nice closeup chest-to-chest 10-count pin!
Humiliation, domination, body contact, and general badassery leave Outlaw in a useless heap with his singlet straps removed and Beast owning him from beginning to end. Think twice before requesting the Beast Squashing Challenge my friends.
Check out the Chubby Cub Squash Session here:
*For a limited time, grab the Chubby Cub Squash Session at a reduced price!!!
And check out the new Outlaw Squash Session dropping this weekend here:
*These meetups are mainly squashing sessions. There's a bit of wrestling but squashing/crushing is the main focus here. Be sure to purchase the right vids for you, but let's be honest, they are all hot as hell!
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Always happy to see more facesitting stuff from you, man. Adds to it when both guys are clearly having a fun time.
2024-09-07 20:19The mighty Beast having his way with his defeated opponent who is powerless to stop the onslaught of humiliation.
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2024-09-07 23:52